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israel iran missile

Israel Iran Missile - Labeik's kit "looks similar to the guidance unit used on the Fateh-110 family of missiles, although the square face of its triangular guide is turned down", according to an analysis by Jane's Defense Weekly, which is based on an analysis from Iranian television. Soldier. parade at the beginning of this month. "Like the Fateh-110 family, these will be installed between the rocket motor and the warhead to guide the missile. It seems that it is compatible with the Zelzal cannon with a diameter of 610 millimeters.

This development alarmed Israeli military experts, who pointed out that Hezbollah - Iran's proxy army in Lebanon - has about 150,000 missiles aimed at Israel. Now, most of them are "dumb" weapons. - The conversion itself is nothing new, they have been doing it for years, and they presented a conversion package for the Fateh-110 missile family, missile defense expert Uzi Rubin told the Times of Israel.

Israel Iran Missile

Israel Iran Missile

"The new thing here is the aerodynamics of the wings - very unique, never before in Iran and never before in other countries. The use of the original design instead of copying others shows confidence. The purpose of the new and unique aerodynamics is probably to increase the maneuverability of the modified missile.

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Unguided rockets have been a tool of war since World War II, when Russia's famous Katyusha destroyed Nazi forces. Although able to wreak terrifying and impressive destruction with multiple projectiles from a single shot, artillery is an imprecise weapon based on saturating the target with massive fire. Precise fire will be the work of howitzers and mortars.

However, if Iran is able to convert unguided missiles into guided weapons, this will change the situation. The effectiveness of the rocket is great. Iran has a variety of missile systems based on old Soviet designs, such as the Falaq-1, which is similar to the Soviet 240-millimeter BM-24 rocket launcher. Iran also has multiple guided missiles such as the Fateh-110 with a range of over 100 miles and inertial or GPS guidance.

That the Israelis are concerned is not surprising. The IDF is already concerned about Hezbollah firing artillery shells across the Lebanese border into Israel, but now the IDF must consider the possibility of getting large guided weapons into strategic targets such as oil tanks, chemical refineries and military airports. If these missiles are guided, they may be able to avoid being intercepted by Israeli missile defenses such as Iron Dome.

But Saudi Arabia may be worried too. Yemen's Houthi rebels, who are fighting Saudi-backed forces, have claimed responsibility for last month's massive drone and cruise missile attacks on Saudi oil facilities. However, the United States and Saudi Arabia believe that the weapon was fired from Iran or was Shooting from Yemen or Iraq with the help of Iran. Although Riyadh has spent billions to buy American Patriot air defense missiles, Saudi defenses have failed to detect or intercept incoming drones and missiles. What would these defenses do against a massive barrage of guided missiles?

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However, Iran has often cited doubts about the development of new weapons, such as Stealth fighter jets. Until they are used in battle, we can't be sure how effective the Labeik kit is at turning stupid bullets into smart ones.

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